Energy Expenditure and Fueling During Exercise - Part 2 August 13, 2024 Within the sport nutrition community, it is currently accepted that the body can absorb and burn 90-120 grams of carbs per hour. So, how do we use this information to...
Gut Training for Fueling and Performance April 08, 2024 The science behind training your gut to handle high carbohydrate intake during exercise. Read through for a deep-dive on how to better prepare your body to consume large amounts of carbs...
Energy Expenditure and Fueling During Endurance Exercise March 06, 2024 As covered in our previous blog about the Evolution of Endurance Sports Fueling, recommendations for carbohydrate intake have seen a progressive increase from 60 grams per hour to 90 grams...
An Introduction to Glycogen: Our Body’s Natural Carbohydrate Reservoir January 26, 2024 What is glycogen? Glycogen is the stored energy form of glucose found in the human body. Simply, glycogen is many glucose molecules strung together creating one large molecule that can...
The Evolution of Endurance Sport Fueling November 16, 2023 Early research in the 1920s revealed that carbohydrates played an important role in athletic performance which contrasted much of the prevailing sentiment that protein was the most important source of...
What is a "Carb"? November 01, 2023 Carbohydrates or “carbs” are often discussed as a “thing” that is bad or damaging to our health. However, in sport nutrition the opposite is true; carbohydrates are often discussed favorably...