Athlete Discipline (sport & event):
Runner: Marathon and Half Marathon
What do you love about your sport?:
Running gives me confidence and has helped me develop a high work ethic. The workouts I complete for my marathon training are often the most physically painful and demanding part of my day. If I can walk away from a hard run with a positive attitude and pride my grittiness, I know there's not a challenge in my personal or professional life I won't be able to grit through as well.
What events are you most looking forward to for 2024 and why?:
Olympic Marathon Trails February 3rd, a goal of mine only for the past year and a half... because if you told me a year ago I'd be running in the Olympic Trials I would have laughed. Even when you think you've peaked as a athlete, there is always some untapped potential and extra fuel left in the tank.
What sponsors are supporting you in 2024?:
Heartbreak Running Company, Carbs Fuel
Why did you decide to be sponsored by Carbs?:
Carbs Fuel's goal of bringing affordable, simple and consistent energy sources to the racing fuel market is enticing and exciting. I have a hard time consuming a lot of gels during my races, so I need the gels I do consume to be loaded with as much carbohydrates as possible.
Why should others give Carbs Fuel a try?:
The packaging makes the product easy to open, but not messy for mid-race fueling. The taste is not over powering and the consistency is less viscous, making it easy to repeatedly consume. The pricing is affordable, and all marathon runners know that gels can add up, especially if you have multiple gels on hard workout days and long runs.
What's the craziest thing you've consumed as fuel during sport that's non-traditional?:
I think the craziest thing is that I would go for 18+ mile long runs during my training cycles as a novice marathon runner and not fuel... very bad idea and I paid the price.
What are your 3 favorite sources of carbs? (Other than Carbs Fuel products). Doesn't have to be sport nutrition related:
Apple sauce, overnight oats, greek yogurt
What would your hobby be if you didn't have your sport and why?:
Roller blading
What's your worst B.C era (Before Carbs Fuel) bonk story?:
My first marathon, Charlotte Marathon 2021: within the last 8 miles of the run 1) my watch died 2) my second gel was too difficulty to open so I ended up chucking it rather than waisting more energy (big mistake) 3) my only fuel source left was some carb gummies I could barely chew without feeling nauseated, thus leaving me again fuel-less