Athlete Discipline (sport & event):
Ultra/Trail Running
What do you love about your sport?:
The community! The endurance community is incredible. I have met my closest friends through this sport.
What events are you most looking forward to for 2024 and why?:
I’m looking forward to running my second 100 mile race and continuing to chip away at the puzzle that is racing 100 miles. If I don’t get off the Hardrock 100 waitlist, I’ll be running the High Lonesome 100 or the the Crazy Mountain 100. I am also hoping to hop into the Javelina 100k and I’m super excited to party it up in the desert.
What sponsors are supporting you in 2024?:
Carbs Fuel!
Why did you decide to be sponsored by Carbs?:
I love that they are based out of Golden where I live. I also love their focus on getting more fuel into the hands of endurance athletes and making sure every athlete is getting in the nutrition they need.
Tell us about your first experience consuming a Carbs Fuel product:
Loved the high calorie of the original gel. The taste is simple and goes down easy. I feel like I won’t have to mentally prepare myself to eat Carbs Fuel gels (like I do with other super sugary gels).
Why should others give Carbs Fuel a try?:
Get those calories, baby! Also, the price point is unbeatable.
What's the craziest thing you've consumed as fuel during sport that's non-traditional?:
I looove to eat gummy worms during long days in the mountains. I also tend to eat a lot of cheezits.
What are your 3 favorite sources of carbs? (Other than Carbs Fuel products):
Pasta, bagels, and waffles.
What would your hobby be if you didn't have your sport and why?:
If I’m not running, I’m reading. I love anything that quiets my mind in a world that is constantly trying to grab your attention.
What's your worst B.C era (Before Carbs Fuel) bonk story?:
Ooooof. I bonked SO hard during my first 50k. I also got lost and it was raining incredibly hard during most of the race. I swore I’d never run another ultra again—yet, look where we are.