Bjorn Larson

Bjorn Larson

Athlete Discipline (sport & event):

Cycling & Nordic Skiing

What do you love about your sport?:

I love many different things about my sport. First, the discipline it takes to be successful. In order to perform well, you need to dial in all aspects of your life. Additionally, the bike has taken me to spectacular places. I've had the ability to travel abroad many times. Without my sport I would not have had those opportunities.

What events are you most looking forward to for 2024 and why?:

I am looking most forward to Unbound. Last year was my first attempt at the event. I learned a lot from that experience and will be bringing a revamped approach to that race. It's as much a mental race as it is physical. The ability to be "on" for 12 hours is a surreal experience. I cannot wait to get another crack at that event!

What sponsors are supporting you in 2024?:

Carbs Fuel!

Why did you decide to be sponsored by Carbs?:

As an upcoming racer, it only seemed right to partner with a new upcoming brand. I believe in their mission of making fueling more affordable and easier to do. Also, how could I pass up a gel with that many carbs?

Tell us about your first experience consuming a Carbs Fuel product:

My first experience with this gel was the Fall of 2023. I was out on a training ride and started to get that familiar feeling of a bonk. I wanted to push my body and see how it would respond to a new gel. Needless to say, I responded well! Carbs Fuel pulled me out of the hole and allowed me to finish my training session.

Why should others give Carbs Fuel a try?:

Because it is one of the smarter ways to fuel. 50g of carbohydrates in a small package is almost too easy. It tastes great and it won't break the bank.

What's the craziest thing you've consumed as fuel during sport that's non-traditional?:

I wouldn't call it crazy, but my go to on hot summer days is an ICEE from 7/11.

What are your 3 favorite sources of carbs? (Other than Carbs Fuel products). Doesn't have to be sport nutrition related:

The 3 P's. Pancakes, Pasta and Pizza.

What would your hobby be if you didn't have your sport and why?:

I would still be involved with something active. As to what that would be it is hard to say, but I enjoy being outside and pushing the limits of my body.

What's your worst B.C era (Before Carbs Fuel) bonk story?:

One time on a ride a few years ago, I hit a wall. I was in the middle of nowhere with no refueling station in sight. Randomly, I stumbled across a small town bar that had food. Needless to say, I had the biggest burger possible along with a soda. That good food allowed me to finish off the ride and make it home in one piece.